How can I buy?

You can shop with us first after a quick registration. It's really no more than a minute and a half, we don't ask for confidential banking details, nothing, just the information you need to contact us and make a delivery.

Check out the quick registration here!

At the moment our shop accepts only hungarian cellphone format.. :/ We suggest to type 20/111-1111 to this field, and write the correct cell phone number into the Message to the Helpdesk field later when you are at the basket details view. We will write the correct phone number onto your package.

Once you enter these details, all you need is an email activation and you'll be able to log in with your username.

So far, a maximum of 3-5 minutes. If you get stuck or have any questions, let us know and we'll help you, of course!

Once you're logged in, you can check on the progress of your order at any time, you can look back at your previous orders, which can be very useful when dealing with cancellation rights or warranty issues.